Thursday, July 23, 2009

Starting the "year ago's"

One year ago today we took Michael back to the airport after R&R and he was on his way back. I held it together back to the gate. I lost it when I had to say goodbye. He wasn't looking forward to his trip back, to say the least. We wouldn't have imagined in a million years it would be the last time. The last time I saw his smile and his big blue eyes in person. The last hug. The last kiss. The last extra-long hand-hold. The last face-to-face "I love you, baby." I wouldn't have let go. He wouldn't have either. Now I hold him in my heart and think of the day I get to see him again.

Miss you, baby.


Unknown said...

Thinking of you. I look up to you in how strong you have been through everything. I also respect how honest and real you have been on this blog. Love and miss you.

Katie Pawlosky said...

Okay so I officially feel like an idiot. I was going through and deleting old emails - and came across one from you that had your blog website in it. To think I've spent the last several months just wondering how you were doing when we hadn't talked - and all the texts haha. Well I'm happy I found it so that I can keep up on my Stacey. I'm so glad that you've been blogging - it must help to get some things down in writing. I miss you - and I'm so proud of you. Mike's watching over you - and always will be. Love you!