Monday, November 24, 2008

2 Months, no thank you

Today is 2 months. He's been gone for 2 months. Oddly enough today is the first day I've spent more than a couple hours by myself. I've been at our house for most of the day, trying to re-organize all of the things that have been piling up. I feel like there were so many things on my "list" that I didn't really make much progress. Everyday I just feel stuck right here.

Baby, I miss you.


Love, Luck, and Dreams said...

Stacey, every day you are making progress. No matter if it's emotional or physical progress. Brooke said it best in a comment..."You are a blessing, and Mike is a blessing." Both of you have blessed our hearts and left little feet print all over them.

Christina T said...

Stacey - Your strength amazes me. All you can do is take one step, one minute, and one moment at a time. Just know that we are all here for you, supporting you, and loving you. You and Mike are forever in my heart and mind.

Kris said...

Stacey, I think of you and pray for you every single day. I've never met you but you are not far from my heart or my thoughts. <3

Ames said...

Stacey - you are continually in my thoughts & prayers. One step, one smile at a time...I hope you are able to find a bit of peace as time passes. I know Mike would be so proud of you.

Brooke said...

Stacey, waking up each day is progress! Don't doubt yourself or your forward motion. Every wakeful moment is progress. Every day, you and Mike continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! Much love! xoxo

Clarabella said...

Stacey, I think of you everyday. I just want to reach out and give you a giant hug. Don't worry about scratching things off that list. Everyday that you show such amazing strength is an accomplishment to be proud of. Maddie sends her special snuggles to you.